
Sunday, January 25, 2015

How Would You Build Your Self Confidence

You have to feel confident, to be confident, but what if you're starting with little or no confidence? True self-confidence isn't an overnighacquisition. It takes dedication to realize you are a human being who is worthy of respect and love. If you want to know how to start building your self-confidence today then you must keep reading.

Be Positive!!!
                 This is the first step which will definitely help you gain your self-confidence. All you have to do is take everything positively. It is not as hard as you think. The only fault we make to loose our confidence is when we start taking our lives negatively. No matter how hard it is for you but try taking things positively. Start doing it today. Never wait for tomorrow.

Discover Your Talents:
                    Never loose faith in yourself. There must be something that you are good at. Find it out. Discover your inner talents. Many people has more than one talents. You don't have to be one of them just be yourself and try to figure out what you are best at, and keep on practicing and make yourself good at it. It's not that hard as you think it's easy as a piece of cake.

Be Friends With Good People: 
                     Choose the right person to be friends with. If you are unable to cope up with your friend, this means that person is not for you. Never be friends with the people who will demotivate you. Be friends with motivating ones. When someone demotivates you, you will loose your confidence more and more. But you will never let that happen. Because it's all in your hands. You know how to stay confident no matter what!!

Never Change Your Perspective:
                        Never let other people make your decision. You will make your own decision. Always be yourself. If you don't like doing something then don't do it. You don't have adapt something that you are not used to, to maintain your friendship. Your true friends will never force you to do something you are not used to. It is your life and your the only one to make decisions.

Look In The Mirror And Smile:
                      You have an awesome life. No matter of what size you are, you're perfect. No matter what people say you are just perfect!!!

            Whenever you find it difficult to gain your confidence, pretend to and slowly your confidence level will start raising.

Delight yourself with your good qualities:
                      Nobody is perfect. Neither am I. Nobody is able to do every single thing in the world. Think about the things that make your personality great. Whenever you find it hard to figure out what you are good at, start writing them down on a piece of paper. I can guarantee that you will find a lot of things that you are good at. Whenever you feel bad about one of your weaknesses, comfort yourself by thinking about all the positive qualities about yourself. You'll see that they far outweigh the things you are insecure about.

Recollect Your Insecurities:
                     All of us have a  voice in the back of your mind that always reminds us about our past or you could say our insecurities. this could be anything, like acne, regrets, friends at school or a past traumatic or negative experience. Whatever is making you feel unworthy, ashamed, or inferior, identify it, give it a name, and write it down. You can also tear these written pieces to start feeling positive on those points. This exercise isn't meant to bring you down or to make you realize that there was even more wrong with you than you thought. It's meant to make you aware of the problems you're dealing with, and will put you on the path to solving them.

Never Compare Yourself With Others:

                    Improve your self but don't try to be like your brother or sister or best friend. If you do so then you will end up making it worse. Improving your self doesn't mean that you have to be like someone else. It means you have to groom up yourself like improving your grades, you thinking etc. It means advancing your own goals and dreams. You may lack confidence because you're convinced that everyone else has it better than you do. Forget about them! At the end of the day, it only matters if you're happy by your own standards. If you have no idea what those are, then it's time to do some soul searching before you move forward.

Be Thankful:
             There are a lot of people who can't even afford a mobile phone to read this blog. But you are that much lucky to have a computer or a laptop or a phone to access the internet and you are reading the blog right now. If you have the ability to read my blog then you have the ability to sleep under a roof. Where you can see lots and lots of people sleeping on the streets even in winter. If you have a roof to live under, then you have efficient money to afford food to live. Where there is thousands and thousands of people starving outside your home. If you can afford all of the things mentioned above, then you have efficient money to live a perfect life, which contains a house to live in, enough clothes, enough food and also the internet. So bee thankful to almighty for what you have. Never greed for things. Never seek for luxury. You can advance your living but never greed to do so. Try to be a good person. Because at the end of the day no one will praise your luxury, they will praise you for being a nice person, and they will remember you forever.