
Sunday, February 8, 2015

How To Love Yourself

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

You don't need to be perfect to love yourself. 

            To love yourself you will need two things:

                                                          #1. Positive affirmations about yourself.
                                                          #2. Treating yourself physically well.
The Meaning Of Self-Love:
             You don't need to be perfect to love yourself or to be successful. Psychologists says;
                          " Self-love is a state of appreciation for our self that grows from actions that support our physical , psychological and spiritual growth."
Self- love is dynamic.

Accept Yourself and Value Your Existence:

                         Using mindfulness practice meditations, such as accepting yourself and your existence. Be mindful. Mindfulness means that you are conscious of the present moment, and you love yourself, regardless of the chaos that might surround you.

Satisfy Yourself:

                   With mindfulness, you begin to care about and satisfy your physical, psychological and spiritual needs. This will help you to refresh your mind and soul. This will give you mind peace.

          As you work and give to others you develop respect for yourself as a valuable individual in a community. This develops self-respect too. Respect helps you to go forward and progress.

Growth and Maturity:

                   The changes you make for yourself which are mentioned on the top, pushes you towards the growth and maturity that are necessary to be healthy, functioning adult.


                   With maturity comes competence which means that you increase your capacity to accomplish difficult tasks.


                 As you prove to yourself that you can act completely in the world, you acquire self-confidence. Which will boost your energy and also will help you to work better. Self-confidence is a knowledge that you can handle whatever obstacles you might confront.

       Competence and self-confidence make security for you and your loved ones possible a necessity for a happy adult life.


        You have moved to an advance level of human development where you can feel empathy for other human beings in your community and the world.

Learn How To Love Others:

                          When you feel the emotions that others experience. Their pain and pleasure, you learn how to love someone else. Empathy draws you close to people, make it possible to truly know them.

Fulfillment and Happiness:

                 Directing your love from your center outward to the world, you find the secret that all humans search for, loving and serving other people gives you fulfillment and makes happiness possible.

These few steps will definitely make you love yourself. You just need a bit of practice to make it happen!! Stay happy and love yourself!! If you love yourself, then everything will become easier and life will be so much beautiful than before.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

How To Stop Overthinking Everything

When we are faced with a crisis, or if we have an important decision to make, many of us fall into the trap of overthinking. You get stuck on a thought wheel that goes over and over again with no break and no insight whatsoever. It’s the kind of thinking that does nothing but perpetuate its own existence.
We get this guilt-induced feeling that if we keep thinking on something long enough (usually constantly), then we will eventually come up with the right answer. All we have to do is think long enough, and BOOM!

Avoid Situations and People That Can Lead to Overthinking:
             If the current situation or the person in front of you is making you overthink about something then avoid that person or the situation. Do something else engage yourself with something interesting like movies, writing or making something.
Talk to Yourself:
           If something is bothering you a lot which is making you overthink, then talk to yourself about the problem. If you don't want your family members to listen to that then close the door of your room then play a song and start talking to yourself loudly. Or you can go to a park and find an empty place where nobody can hear you, then start talking to yourself. This helps a lot to get over overthinking.
Commit To A Project That Maps To Your Goals:
         Start setting your goals. Think about your goals thoroughly then start a project that maps to your goals. For example, when I had a problem with overthinking I started writing, 'cause I want to be a good writer. That helped me out a lot and now I am absolutely fine. Nothing bothers me.
Distract Yourself:
        When you are dealing with overthinking distract yourself with something interesting, something that needs so much attention that your brain will be forced to distract from the current situation and get to working. You can do that by watching a suspenseful movie. Studies have shown that when someone views something suspenseful, the brain is forced to stuck to the present. Start working with your hands like cooking, writing, knitting etc. Working with you hands is especially good, because it engages your motor skills as well as your thinking process. Your brain simply doesn’t have the resources to split itself into a third activity, that of overthinking.
Enforce A Time Limit To Your Thinking and Document Your Thoughts:
                If you’re going to overthink, just commit to it for a short amount of time. Give yourself permission to overthink, but only for 15 minutes.  Set a timer, grab a pen and paper, and for the entire 15 minutes, write down everything that comes to your mind.  Don’t stop to correct yourself (pretend there’s no eraser or backspace key), it doesn’t matter what you’re writing.  You’re just letting yourself get it all out.  When the 15 minutes are up, crumple up the paper and throw it out (or safely burn it) and move onto something else. Something fun.  This will give you a lot of relief.
Turn Overthinking Into A Next Action Project in a Project Plan:
                One big reason of overthinking is not knowing what will happen next. Overthinking thinking is usually unstructured thinking on something. Turn that energy into structured thinking. Determine what your next action will be. This will stop you from overthinking about everything at once. Crystallize your thoughts into a list of next actions and take the first step. Add the next to your calendar or to-do list, and know that you’re making progress.
Realize That Being Perfect Is Not Possible:
                Nobody is perfect. Neither am I. Striving for perfection is the recipe of disaster. The sooner you give up those perfectionist tendencies, the sooner you will past the thing that occupies all your thoughts. Remember perfectionism is highly overrated. So always avoid being a perfectionist.

Stop Projecting The Worse:

              Stop projecting the worse of what could possibly happen. Ask yourself what's the absolute worst that could happen and then be Ok with that outcome, coming with the appropriate response if necessary. This is an amazingly freeing step as almost immediately a light bulb in your head goes off. If the worst case scenario is not actually that bad, and of you know how you would deal with it if it comes, anxiety about that thing may disappear completely.

Think About The Big Picture:

               This is the one that has worked the best for me over the past few years. It takes a little experience but if you ask yourself, “Will this matter in a month/6 months/1 year?” and the answer is “No” or “Not really”, then what’s the point in thinking it to death?  If you do, in fact, determine that it will matter in a year, you can use this opportunity to leverage post-traumatic growth.



Friday, January 30, 2015

How To Be Mentally Strong and Successful

There are many benefits of being mentally strong. Your confidence will automatically increase, as well as your ability to make sound decisions. Difficult situations, such as illness or work related stress, can be managed much easier if you are mentally strong.

Never Feel Sorry For Yourself:

                     Never waste time feeling sorry about yourself. If you are unable to do something then try to do it again and again to make it happen, it will come to you. If you waste time feeling sorry for yourself, your work wont be done by itself. It will stay the way it was. You will go three steps behind instead. So, stop feeling sorry for yourself, instead just do it!

 Do Not Let Other People Take Decisions For You:

                      Do not let other people take decisions for you. Because it's your life. You are the one to take decisions for yourself. If there was any past experience that made you give away your powers to others, then you're completely doing it wrong. People make mistakes. But they never stick with that. So never stick with your mistakes and do not let someone else lead your life. It's your life and you own it. Learn to know what is good for you and what is not. It is for your own betterment.

Never Have The Fear Of Changing:
                      Never be afraid of changing. If you are trying to change then just do it. Never be frightened. It might seem a bit awkward to other people but it's for your own good. So change for your betterment. Change for yourself. Change and be more confident.

Stop Complaining:

                   Stop complaining about your life, about your surroundings. Try to deal with it. It has to happen. So accept it. If you can not change anything then stop complaining, because your complaining will not change it right away. If you do not stop complaining then it will worsen the situation. So stop complaining and deal with it. If you can not deal with it then ignore it. If it is not coming to you, then you do not have to go to it. It will create more disturbance in your life. So ignore and think about your own things and stop paying attention to what's bothering you.

Learn To Say "NO":

                   You don't have to please people to show how good you are. If you are actually good then people will know that by being with you. Learn to say NO to people. You can't do everything they tell you to do. Nobody can. So if there is something you do not want to do, just say NO! Go for it. You are not doing this to make the other person upset or something, you're  just being HONEST. So be HONEST! You don't have to please every single person in the world. Please yourself first, then think about others.

Try Taking Risks:

                      There is nothing to be afraid of taking risks. If you know what is going to happen after you take the risk and if it is good for you, then just go for it! There is a saying,
                                                               --" Life starts outside of your comfort zone. "
So never have the fear of taking risks. Because, you might miss out really great opportunities.

Do not Dwell On The Past:

                       No good is going to happen dwelling on the past. If you keep thinking about your past and keep regretting about things then you will stick with your past and you can never look forward to the future. So stop regretting. Try something new. Look forward to the future. Never expect things which were never for you. Learn to accept it. Just forget the past and make a new start. This is the only way to make your life better. Always remember, if you stick to your past then you can never shine in life or have a good life either.

Learn From Your Mistakes:

                      Being self reflective in a very productive way will help to really not make those mistakes like expecting something from things that were never meant to be for you. Learn from your mistakes. Never repeat your mistakes. Repeating your mistakes will make your life miserable. If you are planning to repeat the mistakes that made your life worse, then think twice before doing so. If you don't go back to your mistakes then you will have a wonderful life for sure.

Be Inspired With Other's Success:

                      If you see someone being successful, do not be jealous of them. Be proud of other people's success. It will inspire you to become successful. If you are jealous of successful people then you can never be successful like them. Because, always remember that your time is going to come too.

Never Give Up:

                     Never give up on your failure. It takes multiple times to be successful. All the great people had fallen down lots and lots of time to reach their goals. So never give up, keep on trying. You time will come, 'cause it has to come, You will make it come to you.

Never Fear Loneliness:

                     Never be afraid of being alone. 'cause alone time is the time for yourself. It is the time to sit back and think about your life. You need the time to think about your life and plan for the future and set your goals. This is the time when you have greatest thoughts. So make a good use of your alone time and never loose hope.

 Do Not Give Attention To Other People's Thoughts:

                     Never care about what people are thinking about you. Never have ego. Do not care about the world, care about yourself. Because you are the one making it better and it is the world that is trying not letting you have a better life. So care about yourself, care about your life. Do what you want. If you keep paying attention to other people's thoughts then you can never be successful in your life.

Do not Expect Immediate Results:

                     Fast foods are not good for your health but home made slow cooked foods are good for you. So this is an example of being successful immediately and being successful with hard work. If you try to be successful immediately then that is never going to happen. If you do then you will loose it fast too. To help you out you can keep a record of what you are doing and your success. So that if you loose hope then they will help you encourage yourself.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

How Would You Build Your Self Confidence

You have to feel confident, to be confident, but what if you're starting with little or no confidence? True self-confidence isn't an overnighacquisition. It takes dedication to realize you are a human being who is worthy of respect and love. If you want to know how to start building your self-confidence today then you must keep reading.

Be Positive!!!
                 This is the first step which will definitely help you gain your self-confidence. All you have to do is take everything positively. It is not as hard as you think. The only fault we make to loose our confidence is when we start taking our lives negatively. No matter how hard it is for you but try taking things positively. Start doing it today. Never wait for tomorrow.

Discover Your Talents:
                    Never loose faith in yourself. There must be something that you are good at. Find it out. Discover your inner talents. Many people has more than one talents. You don't have to be one of them just be yourself and try to figure out what you are best at, and keep on practicing and make yourself good at it. It's not that hard as you think it's easy as a piece of cake.

Be Friends With Good People: 
                     Choose the right person to be friends with. If you are unable to cope up with your friend, this means that person is not for you. Never be friends with the people who will demotivate you. Be friends with motivating ones. When someone demotivates you, you will loose your confidence more and more. But you will never let that happen. Because it's all in your hands. You know how to stay confident no matter what!!

Never Change Your Perspective:
                        Never let other people make your decision. You will make your own decision. Always be yourself. If you don't like doing something then don't do it. You don't have adapt something that you are not used to, to maintain your friendship. Your true friends will never force you to do something you are not used to. It is your life and your the only one to make decisions.

Look In The Mirror And Smile:
                      You have an awesome life. No matter of what size you are, you're perfect. No matter what people say you are just perfect!!!

            Whenever you find it difficult to gain your confidence, pretend to and slowly your confidence level will start raising.

Delight yourself with your good qualities:
                      Nobody is perfect. Neither am I. Nobody is able to do every single thing in the world. Think about the things that make your personality great. Whenever you find it hard to figure out what you are good at, start writing them down on a piece of paper. I can guarantee that you will find a lot of things that you are good at. Whenever you feel bad about one of your weaknesses, comfort yourself by thinking about all the positive qualities about yourself. You'll see that they far outweigh the things you are insecure about.

Recollect Your Insecurities:
                     All of us have a  voice in the back of your mind that always reminds us about our past or you could say our insecurities. this could be anything, like acne, regrets, friends at school or a past traumatic or negative experience. Whatever is making you feel unworthy, ashamed, or inferior, identify it, give it a name, and write it down. You can also tear these written pieces to start feeling positive on those points. This exercise isn't meant to bring you down or to make you realize that there was even more wrong with you than you thought. It's meant to make you aware of the problems you're dealing with, and will put you on the path to solving them.

Never Compare Yourself With Others:

                    Improve your self but don't try to be like your brother or sister or best friend. If you do so then you will end up making it worse. Improving your self doesn't mean that you have to be like someone else. It means you have to groom up yourself like improving your grades, you thinking etc. It means advancing your own goals and dreams. You may lack confidence because you're convinced that everyone else has it better than you do. Forget about them! At the end of the day, it only matters if you're happy by your own standards. If you have no idea what those are, then it's time to do some soul searching before you move forward.

Be Thankful:
             There are a lot of people who can't even afford a mobile phone to read this blog. But you are that much lucky to have a computer or a laptop or a phone to access the internet and you are reading the blog right now. If you have the ability to read my blog then you have the ability to sleep under a roof. Where you can see lots and lots of people sleeping on the streets even in winter. If you have a roof to live under, then you have efficient money to afford food to live. Where there is thousands and thousands of people starving outside your home. If you can afford all of the things mentioned above, then you have efficient money to live a perfect life, which contains a house to live in, enough clothes, enough food and also the internet. So bee thankful to almighty for what you have. Never greed for things. Never seek for luxury. You can advance your living but never greed to do so. Try to be a good person. Because at the end of the day no one will praise your luxury, they will praise you for being a nice person, and they will remember you forever.