
Saturday, December 10, 2016

'Optimism' Can Lead You To The Pinnacle Of Success

You may find the word 'Optimism' a very heavier one to be implemented on your daily life . Most of the people remark optimism as a philosophical episode which can not to be exerted upon realists or pragmatists....But, if you are so much concerned about your goal of life, you must have had optimism in your perception.Without being optimistic one can fall apart from the marathon race of the life. My endeavor is to demonstrate you how 'Optimism' can occur miracles and transform your misty life into a lucid one ....... Here we go ....'Optimism' is nothing but being abundantly positive about everything. It's more like the parody of  the idiom "Getting something from nothing", saying a glass as half  full rather than saying half empty while watching a glass with water at the halfway point .When you are so much frustrated about your miserable life, it's optimism that can lift you up from this tragic irony. Positiveness  is such a thing which can upside-down your fortune worst to best, boost you up to fight the battle of life until it's over. A super positive mind doesn't want to be defeated in any game of life. If somehow he gets defeated, however, he will take that defeat in a positive way and prepare himself for the next turn rather being frustrated to be in losing side.If you peek through the biography of some of the illustrious persons of the world , you will find a familiarity among all of them. That is, they have been very much optimistic throughout their life. Although they had to go through so many difficulties, but they didn't lose their heart. They remained all over positive in any unwelcoming situation. And consequently, they have promoted themselves to the apex of the success . Eminent people always makes their recipe of success combining couple of  precious spices in exact proportion, one is endurance and another one is optimism. Optimism can be suggested as a major source of endurance. If you are very much positive about yourself, you will be able to bear up against any type hostility and you will start to show equanimity in crisis. Thus , your confidence will gradually flourish and you are on the way of success.It is very important to know the process that how would you build your neuron to generate more positive signals and materialize those into work. You can not claim yourself as a optimist over the night. You have to go through a transition of yourself . . transition can be achieved by implementing following steps ....

Never Underestimate Yourself:       
        This probably the first mistake we make which makes us pessimistic.. If being confident becomes difficult, its never difficult to think positive even for a second... :)
Never Lose Hope:
       Even a last stage cancer patient doesn't lose hope in his last few days of life... Then why will the healthy people lose hope if they are unable to reach their goal??
Never Give up:
     Losers give up when things become difficult for them...  And none of us is a loser... So we must never give up if things become difficult...  'Cause we must never forget that nothing in the world is impossible...
Keep trying until you reach your goal... And I guarantee that you will reach your goal for sure!
Reward Yourself As You Get Closer To Your Goal:
      Feel proud when you start to make positive progress..  And treat yourself with a piece of cake or chocolate..  This way you will feel more encouraged to keep trying... :)
Smile As You Look At The Mirror:
      Smiling for yourself will let you smile for others..
Be Happy On Others Happiness:
        This is a step for being optimistic.. We must never get jealous of others.. This will make things worse.. And reaching a goal with negative thoughts wouldn't be a nice thing to do...
Listing Your Qualities:
       List at least five positive things about you and your life everyday... This way you will start thinking positive without even knowing or trying hard...
Never Talk Behind Anyone's Back:
        Never forget if you are talking behind someone's back, someone else is doing the same about it.. If you stop this habit nobody will be able to find out any flaws about you..
Stop Lying:
        Lying never solve any problem, instead it increases more problems... Lying is never the solution..  The ugliest truth might save you while the sweetest lie will remain a lie forever...
   These few steps will help you be optimistic..  All you need is little bit of practice... :) Only optimism can help you reach your goal if you really want to reach it.. Even a optimistic person faces less problems in his other than a pessimist...  Never lose hope!! Be optimistic :)

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